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Terms and Conditions 

Please find below our full terms and conditions. By completing and signing the registration form to enroll your child with the dance school, you are hereby agreeing to the terms and conditions detailed below.

As a matter of courtesy please advise if your child takes additional dance classes.  Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School is not liable for any injury related to dance if classes are taken elsewhere.


a) The cost for our toddler class is £22.50 per student per month per class all other classes are £25 per student per class. Classes are run throughout the year including school holidays, There will be no classes on Bank Holidays or the week of Christmas or New Year. The teacher will also have 4 weeks off a year. The dates for this will be supplied in advance.  

b) Payments can be made by cash, online, standing order or cheque.

c) Any cheques returned unpaid will incur a £10.00 handling charge.

d) Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School reserves the right to refuse payment by cheque if this form of payment has been abused in the past.

e) Accounts unsettled by the last day of the month will have a 5% Surcharge added to them.

g) We reserve the right to suspend the students classes and withhold examination results until any overdue payments have been received.

h) Statements and invoices are available at any time by contacting the Principal.


a) Correct uniform must be worn for class each week. The uniform is all available from Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance Schools website

b) Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School merchandise is available through the website and includes hoodies, jackets, t shirts and more. These should be worn to class for warm up or for displays and other public events.


a) Due to the current situation and the vast reduction in numbers allowed to take part in the class, discounts have had to be withdrawn. However once restrictions are lifted and class sizes increase the following discounts will be applied

b) For families with 2 or more children attending classes the second student will receive a 10% discount. This takes the monthly price for the second student to £22.50 per class per month.


a) Credit notes are issued to cover circumstances such as cancelled classes or long term absence through injury or illness. All credit notes are deducted from the months bill, Two months notice for cessation of classes is essential if you are to receive the credit. If no notice or late notice is received then any credit will be lost.

b) Fees are not waived in respect of family holidays, school trips, school exams or short term sickness or injury.

c) Instances of long term sickness or injury will be assessed on an individual basis.


a) Invoices for examinations are distributed when the occasion arises.

b) All examination invoices must be settled within 14 days of the invoice date as entry fees will already have been paid by Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance on the students behalf.

c) Invoices unsettled after 28 days will be re-issued with a 5% surcharge added to them.

d) All examination fees must be paid before the date of the examination.

e) It will be at the teachers discretion for entry to exams


a) Invoices for extra exam training classes are distributed on an ad hoc basis. All exam practice invoices must be settled within 14 days of the invoice date.

b) Invoices unsettled after 28 days will be re-issued with a 5% surcharge added to them.


a) If a student wishes to give up a class Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance must receive 2 months written notice.

b) Absence of notice or late notice for exceptional circumstances will be addressed on an individual basis.

c) In the event of a student leaving Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance with fees still outstanding, Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School reserve the right to pursue recovery of the debt by all legal means including court action.


a) Occasionally it is necessary to temporarily change the venue of a class, or postpone it to a later date. Where this occurs Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School will try to notify parents either by the hall notice board, facebook page, text, phone or word of mouth.

b) We reserve the right to cancel any classes any time up to and including the date the class starts. Should this occur we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible via the facebook page, text or phone/word of mouth and a credit note will be raised.


a) All teachers are qualified, DBS checked and insured. However, due to the nature of teaching performing arts, sometimes it is necessary to correct positions physically. This is always conducted with care and professionalism.

b) The safeguarding of all our students is of paramount importance. No child will be allowed to leave any premises unless a parent is there to collect them UNLESS the principal has been informed that alternative arrangements are in place, ie a child can walk home alone. If any parent has a concern regarding safeguarding then please inform the principal immediately so that it can be rectified.

c) Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will be announced on the facebook page, website and in writing to each individual family.

10) Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School LIABILITIES

a) Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School do not accept responsibility for loss, damage or injury arising from errors or omissions on the registration form whether completed by you or the person in charge of the student at the time of enrolment.

b) Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School do not accept liability for personal injury to any child attending class, with the exception of such injury being caused by negligence or default of any member of our staff or any other default on our part.

c) Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.

d) Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School do not accept responsibility for any loss or expense due to circumstances beyond our control.

e) Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School are only responsible for students while they are in their class. Students cannot be supervised whilst they are outside class. Young children must be collected promptly at the end of their class.

f) Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School holds Public Liability Insurance.


a) These terms and conditions, and any enrolment forms you have signed, constitute an agreement between you and us in connection to classes or any services superseding any prior agreement.

b) Attendance at class is deemed to be acceptance of the current Terms and Conditions.

c) It is the responsibility of the Parent or Guardian to notify Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School of any illness or injury that may affect the child’s participation at class.

d) It is the responsibility of the Parent, Guardian OR Support Staff to ensure that we have the correct details for you and your child and keep us updated of any changes to health.

e) It is the responsibility of the Parent, Guardian or Support Staff to regularly read the website/facebook information in order to be fully aware of all upcoming events.

f) In the event that we consider you to be in breech of these terms & conditions or that student is disruptive to other pupils or staff, teachers or venue staff, Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School will enter into discussion with you and the student to try and resolve the issues. Where Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School feel they have exhausted all options to include the student then the student may be asked to leave the class.

g) Please retain all payment receipts as chequebook stubs are not proof of payment for classes. Where there is a dispute, if proof of payment is unable to be provide, The responsible adult must accept Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School records.

h) Photographs and video footage of pupils taken by Sun-Rae Inclusive Dance School may be used on our website/facebook page and for publicity purposes. If you do not wish your child’s image to be used for these purposes you must inform us in writing.





Covid-19 Class Compliance 

June 2021


COVID19 Return to Dance Classes


Return to Studio COVID19 Document for member returning to face to face lessons in from 30/07/2020


My top priority is the health and wellbeing of all our dancers, their supporters and family and to any staff or third parties within the building. To minimise the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure that all classes are a safe place to have fun in. To do this I am undertaking additional safety measures, these include:


  • Enhanced cleaning and sanitising regimes in -line with the relevant halls guidelines as well as additional cleaning of any equipment used by the teacher or pupil during the session.

  • Provision of additional hand washing facilities and sanitising points as provided by the relevant hall and Sunrae Inclusive Dance.

  • Social distancing measures implemented. A minimum of 2m squared space with a preferred 4m squared space between dancers and teacher when possible.

  • COVID-19 illness reporting procedures for anyone involved with the class.

  • Cleaning will take place between each class – for this reason I ask that at the end of your lesson you leave promptly to allow cleaning before the next class arrives.

  • Please enter the hall via the front door, bring your child into the hall where they will be shown to their dance space. You will then be asked to leave via the fire exit. This is where you will collect your child at the end of the session. 

  • We request all children have been to the toilet before the start if their session – especially younger ones as it will be difficult for the teacher to take them during class.

  • All adults entering the hall must wear a face covering – unless you have an exemption. This is a government ruling for community centres and village halls and must be adhered too please.

  • Each dancer will have a designated dance space which exceeds the 2m social distancing. Your child will be asked to remain in their space as much as possible at all times.  The teacher will be standing at the front of the class. There may be times when the teacher needs to correct posture or technique, but this will be kept to a minimal and only done when the child has been unable to follow verbal prompts and where unsafe movements are happening.

 Enhanced provision of personnel protective equipment (PPE), where appropriate. If you would like me to wear a facemask whilst teaching please inform me before arrival.



What are the symptoms of COVID-19?


Whilst the COVID-19 virus can affect all people of all ages it does affect people in different ways. Most people infected will develop mild to moderate symptoms and recover without requiring any specific treatment. However, for some people the disease can quickly cause serious health issues and can be fatal. The common symptoms include:


  • Fever

  • Continuous Dry Cough

  • Tiredness.


 Other symptoms can include:


  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath

  • Aches and pains

A few people have reported diarrhoea and nausea.


Whilst research into the virus is still ongoing, it is believed that people with underlying health conditions and those over 70 are particularly vulnerable to serious illness.


If you experience any of the above symptoms before / during or up to 5 days after your class it is vital you inform me as soon as is possible and remain at home. Please consult with 111 should you feel you need advise.



On entering the room please use the hand sanitiser which will be located at the door. Please feel free to use this as often as you feel you need too during the class. But please do wash your hands or use the sanitiser when you leave.


Due to the current situation and the easy spread of the virus, club chairs, resistance bands and all other equipment will not be provided, therefore we recommend, where possible to bring your own items and sanitise them after each class.  will not be usable until further notice, therefore please bring your own chair suitable for dance to class.


Photo Consent 

Enrolment Forms 

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